Category: Power Query

Power Query (M)agic: Super SubVars

The Challenge. I love the idea behind Power Query (M)agic. These posts let Power Query users learn and share best practices (tips & tricks) that solve real problems. Query management comes up a lot.

Written by on April 17, 2018

The Great Function Project – Part 2

As a Traditional Excel User, I could not stop copying and pasting downloaded reports. Even when my manager diagnosed me with inaccurate month-end reporting, I could not stop using external workbook links

Written by on April 3, 2018

March Madness in Power BI

It’s time again for the March Madness tournament and another excellent opportunity to introduce/teach people at your company/organization about Power BI.

Written by on March 18, 2018

Power BI used for Surfing FUN!

A long time ago a peer in Financial Planning and Analysis said “Financial Planning starts in the home.”  I modified the statement to “Data analytics starts in the home.” 

Written by on February 13, 2018