Guest Post – Greater Than/Less Than/Between Slicers
I get a reasonable number of questions in email each week, and rarely have time to respond to all of them. Last week though I received a question that I […]
I get a reasonable number of questions in email each week, and rarely have time to respond to all of them. Last week though I received a question that I […]
“Stay close! Come together! Staggered columns! Staggered columns! I mean… less columns! More rows!” -General Maximus Speedicus Queryus A Long-Held Belief, Quantified For a long time now I have been […]
Well folks I haven’t had much time to play with the V2 Beta (aka CTP3) yet. A lot going on over the past week:
CTP3 Adaptive = “Public Beta” What the heck is a CTP, you ask? Well it’s a “Community Technology Preview.”
PowerPivot provides a host of great functions like DATESYTD, DATESMTD, DATESBETWEEN, etc. that are useful for calculating many things, including a running total. But with the exception of DATESBETWEEN,
This will be a quick one. I think.
In part two, we left off with the observation that VALUES() can “trump” ALL() even when VALUES() is applied to a column that is not on the pivot:
OK, picking up from part one…
Let’s start with a simplified version of last post’s pivot – remove one of the row fields, and all of the measures but the base Total Sales measure:
“Wait a minute. There might be legal precedent. Of course. Land snatching. Let’s see, land, la-land…see snatch. snatch…snatch…ah! Haley vs. United states. Haley 7, United States nothing. You see, it can be done!
David Hager’s guest post below reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to share for awhile. Here’s a feature of PowerPivot so tiny, so sensible, that I’ve had a very hard time internalizing that Excel lacks it. In fact, I think I’ve had to re-check Excel 3-4 times to confirm for myself that Excel doesn’t have it.
“Because every good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.”
Awhile back I posted about promotional campaign analysis factoring in seasonal trends. Now let’s look at another flavor of campaign analysis: comparing results when a campaign is active versus when it was not. Sometimes this is referred to as “A/B Testing.
David Hager is At It Again
A short two weeks after his truly creative Measure Catalog Macro post, David Hager is back with a heavyweight DAX post.
A Lasting Metaphor Many years ago, I was designing a feature for Excel 2003. And the VP of our division of Office, a man named Richard McAniff, didn’t like the […]