Planning at the speed of COVID: P3 Adaptive and Power On
During “normal” times, you can often get away with guessing that tomorrow will resemble yesterday, and simply following your well-worn business map.
During “normal” times, you can often get away with guessing that tomorrow will resemble yesterday, and simply following your well-worn business map.
Do you have Excel Analysts spending hours wrangling data week after week to provide updated reporting and analytics?
You need insights from your data, but you don’t want the wrong people seeing data that’s confidential or outside their responsibilities. In the Power BI service, there’s a robust way of ensuring that the right people get the data that they need for their purposes
Today we’ll be concluding our 3-part series on Analysis versus Reporting, Power BI versus SSRS and Paginated Reports, and looking closely at our habit of using the word “versus” so liberally
Technologies always come with tradeoffs, and an interactive canvas is ultimately a place where you arrange a bunch of pre-built objects.
There are few stories as tortured and twisted as my relationship with Analysis and Reporting. In 2002, as part of the Excel team at Microsoft, I was introduced to the concept of Business Intelligence
Over the years, I’ve written multiple times about how BI spending increases during hard times
P3 Adaptive version 3” Clarifies What We Can Do For You
This is an April Fools’ joke. OPTIMIZEDAX() doesn’t exist, but we hope the post gives you a laugh nonetheless.
This is one of those things where I spent a lot of time figuring out how to do something non-obvious. And hey, that’s usually a good thing to share! Keeps others from burning needless time, pushes the envelope a bit, inspires “riffs” and improvements on the core idea, etc.
Ya know, we could probably write articles about RANKX for an entire year. There are just SO many subtleties to it, and SO many different ways you might want to rank things. Endless source of blog fodder.
In today’s article, I’m aiming to achieve three overlapping goals: