Category: Medical/Scientific
After a long hiatus, David Hager has returned with a new guest post. He has a clever Excel trick/formula for applying different conditional formatting “acceptable ranges” depending on the context of the current row. In his work, different Tests have different acceptable ranges of values that qualify as Pass/Fail/Warning
Written by Kristi Cantor on May 29, 2012
Yeah, I love quoting movies. And tv shows. And song lyrics. But it’s not the quoting that I enjoy – it’s the connection.
Written by Kristi Cantor on April 10, 2012
The Streak is Broken… and a new streak begins. Well it was a full six-month run of posting every Tuesday and Thursday, Cal Ripken-like consistency. Then last week it ended.
Written by Kristi Cantor on February 26, 2012
Folks I just can’t resist a quick followup on the Rat Sniffing Project. I… just… can’t. Plus I am absolutely worn down and don’t have the energy tonight for anything that isn’t inherently entertaining.
Written by Kristi Cantor on February 16, 2012
In a recent post I covered a very simple scientific scenario. It was an interesting diversion from the normal biz-style scenarios but it left me feeling hollow in two ways.
Written by Kristi Cantor on February 14, 2012
The Mr. Excel PowerPivot Forum has inspired me to change gears a little bit and focus more time on simple techniques that don’t break the DAX Spicy Scale
Written by Kristi Cantor on February 2, 2012