Downgrading From PowerPivot v2 to v1
OK, let’s say you already installed v2, whether inadvertently or… advertently. And now you need to downgrade to v1, so that your workbooks function on your server
OK, let’s say you already installed v2, whether inadvertently or… advertently. And now you need to downgrade to v1, so that your workbooks function on your server
The PASS Summit tends to be one of Microsoft’s favorite venues for unveiling big news in the BI space. As you may recall, the 2010 Summit revealed some amazing things for the PowerPivot world.
(Rob’s note: Apologies to Colin, he put this up here in draft form weeks ago and even though I promised to flip it to live two weeks back, I forgot. So Colin… a thousand pardons. This is awesome!)
Intro from Rob: today, Colin finishes in Percentile Measures topic from last week.
Note that 1) this technique requires the new release of PowerPivot that is currently still in beta (the Denali release)…
Well folks I haven’t had much time to play with the V2 Beta (aka CTP3) yet. A lot going on over the past week:
CTP3 Adaptive = “Public Beta” What the heck is a CTP, you ask? Well it’s a “Community Technology Preview.”
So what is Power Pivot? I think a lot of people arriving at this site for the first time already know quite a bit about what Power Pivot is, but […]