DAX – Dynamic Age Calculation Using Measures
I was recently helping a forum member at https://powerpivotforum.com.au with a problem about how to dynamically calculate an employee’s age.
I was recently helping a forum member at https://powerpivotforum.com.au with a problem about how to dynamically calculate an employee’s age.
If We Use Excel’s Built-In Top N Filter to See Our Top 1,000 Customers, It Hides the Other Customers Completely. But Using DAX, We Can Just “Split” the Audience into Two Groups.
When I was working recently with a client, helping her remotely – I asked her to calculate the sum for sales amount in the table. She responded whether she should use SUM, SUMX or CALCULATE?
In This Case, Getting the Grand Total Correct for Each Row Required SUMX It’s that time of year again… …when my love of spreadsheets actually translates into a love of […]
aybe it is a sign of where I am on the Geek Scale compared to Rob, but where he considers EARLIER() to be a pretty hard function to understand, it just doesn’t bother me. At least it seems to have just one purpose in life.
Last week’s post on “CONTAINSX” proved to be quite popular. In the comments, Sasha provided an alternate formula that used FILTER instead of SUMX
It’s the same old story, I mashed and twisted some data through Power Query, pulled it through Power Pivot, spent hours creating calculated columns and measures, made a really nice Pivot Table with conditional formatting and all the bells and whistles.
The first thought to occur to me was “well, for each Year&WeekOfYear, I just want to grab the max date”. That sounded easy enough… EARLIER() no longer scares me
Continuing the series of guest posts that got temporarily shelved, today we have one from Vivek Gargav.
’ve been getting this question a lot lately: How does Power View relate to PowerPivot? Is PV a replacement for PP?
Picking up from Tuesday’s post, which drew some quick comments, let’s add one more function to our evaluation: HASONEFILTER().
Excel 2013 public preview (aka beta) is out, which means that now we’re not only playing around with PowerPivot V2 and Power View V1, but now we have another new set of toys to take for a spin.