Category: DAX

Profit & Loss (Part 3)–Return On Sales and Variances

PART 1 and PART 2 of this series on Profit and Loss posts covered the basic layout of the P&L together with some time intelligence and filtering to display relevant numbers to cover actual, budget and prior year for both a selected period and the equivalent year to date.  This was all based around the core measure referred to as Cascade_Value_All.

Written by on October 27, 2011

Profit & Loss (Part 2)–Compare and Analyse

In my recent post, Profit & Loss-The Art of the Cascading Subtotals, I went through a basic P&L layout with some relatively complex DAX measures to display and hide row headings as appropriate together with calculating accurate values.

Written by on October 20, 2011

DAX – Slicers For Selecting Last “X” Periods

Using Time Intelligence in PowerPivot can appear scary when you first start using it and I’ve seen some weird and wonderful ways of attacking it, some that look like we’re calling into question the validity of the global phenomenon that is time and others that are quite simply brilliant.

Written by on October 11, 2011

Creating Accurate Percentile Measures in DAX – Part I

Equivalents of Excel’s Percentile, Quartile, and Median functions are perhaps the most significant omissions in Denali’s DAX statistical function library. Quartile and Median are actually special cases of percentile, and in this post, we calculate these special cases.

Written by on September 29, 2011