Month: April 2018

Power Query (M)agic: Super SubVars

The Challenge. I love the idea behind Power Query (M)agic. These posts let Power Query users learn and share best practices (tips & tricks) that solve real problems. Query management comes up a lot.

Written by on April 17, 2018

Journey to P3 Adaptive : Ryan Bergstrom

Sometimes I forget that it has only been a year at P3 Adaptive .  Every new client that I have seems like I‘ve spent months getting to know a business, their projects, and the incredible people that move the needle at an organization.

Written by on April 12, 2018

The Great Function Project – Part 2

As a Traditional Excel User, I could not stop copying and pasting downloaded reports. Even when my manager diagnosed me with inaccurate month-end reporting, I could not stop using external workbook links

Written by on April 3, 2018