Power Query (M)agic: Consecutive Days
Hello P3 Adaptive World! My name is Krissy Dyess and I have had the most amazing experience working as a full-time consultant at Power Pivot Pro since April 17, 2017!
Hello P3 Adaptive World! My name is Krissy Dyess and I have had the most amazing experience working as a full-time consultant at Power Pivot Pro since April 17, 2017!
The first thought to occur to me was “well, for each Year&WeekOfYear, I just want to grab the max date”. That sounded easy enough… EARLIER() no longer scares me
For some time, I have been looking around for a fairly complete date table in Excel for use with PowerPivot.
The Streak is Broken… and a new streak begins. Well it was a full six-month run of posting every Tuesday and Thursday, Cal Ripken-like consistency. Then last week it ended.
Folks I just can’t resist a quick followup on the Rat Sniffing Project. I… just… can’t. Plus I am absolutely worn down and don’t have the energy tonight for anything that isn’t inherently entertaining.
In a recent post I covered a very simple scientific scenario. It was an interesting diversion from the normal biz-style scenarios but it left me feeling hollow in two ways.
Enjoying the new forum! I’ve been spending some time on the Mr. Excel PowerPivot forum over the past few days and I must say I am enjoying the experience.
Quick Recap: We Created a Separate “Periods” Table In last week’s post, I explained how PowerPivot can very easily help you solve the “Budget vs. Actuals” problem or any other problem where you have data sets
Some of you know that I’ve been writing a series of articles for the Chartered Institute of Management Accounts, aka CIMA
Our time machine that we developed in part one and part two still needs some explanation, so let’s dive in.
OK, if you recall from part one, we had a “year over year” time machine calculation going on, and it was built against a data set that lacked a “real” […]
You remember the Great Precedence Project? Well, I have shelved it for now, for two reasons: