Search Results for: disconnected slicers

Dynamic TopN Reports via Slicers, Part 2

OK, picking up from Tuesday’s post, with the goal of explaining the techniques. And remember, you can download the workbook here! Two Disconnected Slicers Ah, another favorite technique.  Slicer tables […]

Written by on July 5, 2012

“MVPness” Doesn’t Sound Quite Right w/ MS MVP Ed Hansberry

With a background in finance and a history of great communication and a passion for problem-solving, Ed Hansberry, an Assistant Director with P3 Adaptive, embodies the spirit of P3 Adaptive. Ed was recently awarded his 13th Microsoft MVP Award so of course, we wanted to know more about his achievement, his passions, his adaptability, and most of all, his insights on change so we invited him to join us today for a chat.

Written by on July 19, 2022

“Head to Head” Comparison Infographic in Power BI

This is one of those things where I spent a lot of time figuring out how to do something non-obvious.  And hey, that’s usually a good thing to share!  Keeps others from burning needless time, pushes the envelope a bit, inspires “riffs” and improvements on the core idea, etc.

Written by on October 23, 2019

What is Data May Never Die, w/ Scree

On today’s episode, we bring back the greatest of the great, the all-time champ of Raw Data Downloads, the DAX Demon himself, The Scree! I am sure you will recall His Un-Deadness, evil genius of the Undead Lords Guild from his record-setting, chart-topping, last appearance on our show where he shared the secrets of the inner workings of gaming guilds and data.

Written by on June 14, 2022

Reducing DSO using Power Pivot

One of the many things which amazes me about Power Pivot time after time is its ability to effortlessly convert raw data into crucial information as soon as it happens.

Written by on November 13, 2018

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