What is the difference between Tableau and Power BI data model?
When comparing Microsoft Power BI vs. Tableau pros and cons, one aspect that distinctly sets them apart is their approach to data modeling.
When comparing Microsoft Power BI vs. Tableau pros and cons, one aspect that distinctly sets them apart is their approach to data modeling.
We are back to finish our discussion on the visualizations for Comparing Rows in Power Query! How to visualize the prices and daily changes The two metals have very different […]
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged – what can I say, it was a busy summer! BOO you say?! You need your Cat Meme fix!?! Well, let’s see if I can DO something about that!
Well, it looks like I’m up next to share my PowerPivot and P3 Adaptive story!
Sometimes I forget that it has only been a year at P3 Adaptive . Every new client that I have seems like I‘ve spent months getting to know a business, their projects, and the incredible people that move the needle at an organization.
A long time ago a peer in Financial Planning and Analysis said “Financial Planning starts in the home.” I modified the statement to “Data analytics starts in the home.”
When I was first introduced to PowerPivot five or six years ago, I knew it would serve me well in my FP&A function.
Two weeks ago I wrote a blog post about how to create a set of data with Consecutive Days using SQL or Power Query.
My new seminar’s mission is to provide business leaders with easy-to-follow recipes for data-driven success
Welcome back P3 Adaptive Nation! By now we’re in full swing with this Power Query (M)agic series, three posts and counting!
Every month Power BI gets an update that adds a nice handful of new features. Here at P3 Adaptive we ALL get excited for new Power BI features!
Ever noticed that Power Query refresh is slower in Excel than Power BI? Ken Puls, PQ Expert, explains the problem and what you can do to fix it!