Search Results for: best pract

Septic Companions and Breaded Capacitors, w/ Chris Rae

Chris Rae has had quite the data journey!  In his current form, he’s the co-creator of MyCoast, an app that helps government entities clean up hazards on coastlines.
He’s travelled many paths on his journey, from the banking space to working on Excel and other projects at Microsoft and all points in between and beyond!

Written by on September 29, 2021

The Power Ranking Godfather, w/ Jeff Sagarin & Wayne Winston

There’s a place where sports and data meet, and it’s as powerful a collision as on any football field!  Currently, sports analytics drives professional teams to make decisions that affect the future of the organization. Jeff Sagarin has been a figurehead in the sports analytics realm for decades, and we’re thrilled to have had the chance to have him on to talk about his data journey!

Written by on September 21, 2021

99% is the New Zero, w/ Microsoft Director Shelly Avery

Shelly Avery is a member of Microsoft’s Healthcare Solution Acceleration Team, helping Healthcare customers digitally transform their businesses.  As you listen to this conversation you’ll realize, as we did, that Shelly knows the tech AND the human side of the tech very well!

Written by on September 14, 2021

The Plural of Alex is Alex, w/ Alex Dupler and Alex Powers

We welcome Power Platform expertise in the form of Two Alex! Alex Dupler and Alex Powers both work at Microsoft. The organization they work for and their first names aren’t the only thing that these two share! They also both have a lot of experience with and passion for the Power Platform. These guys know data!

Written by on September 7, 2021

Speak Softly but Pack a Mean Elbow, w/ Jen Stirrup

When Jen Stirrup speaks, she speaks softly.  The meaning of her words, however, speak loudly! You don’t earn the nickname the Data Whisperer without knowing a great deal about Business Intelligence and AI. Jen certainly knows not only those topics, she knows SO much more!

Written by on August 31, 2021

For Those About to DAX, w/ Microsoft’s Greg Beaumont

We didn’t know what to expect when we sat down with Greg Beaumont, Senior Business Intelligence Specialist at Microsoft specializing in serving Microsoft’s Healthcare space customers’ technical Power BI issues.  What we got was an insightful, delightful, and impactful conversation with a really cool and smart human!

Written by on August 17, 2021

Spreadsheet Celebrities & Power BI Playdates, w/ Chandoo

Beyonce, Prince, Madonna…Like so many of these iconic one-word-name celebrities in the music world, Chandoo is as unique and talented as they come in the data world!  His story is quite inspiring, his heart and soul are warm, and his brain is brimming with great ideas!

Written by on August 10, 2021