Like Throwing Water on Gremlins, w/ Fred Kaffenberger

Rob Collie

Founder and CEO Connect with Rob on LinkedIn

Justin Mannhardt

Chief Customer Officer Connect with Justin on LinkedIn

Like Throwing Water on Gremlins, w/ Fred Kaffenberger

Get ready to tune in to the next episode of Raw Data by P3 Adaptive, where former P3 Adaptive superstar Fred Kaffenberger will be returning as a guest. Rob and Fred will be reminiscing about old times and geeking out over all things Microsoft. But the real kicker? Fred will be revealing a shocking confession: he once faced Rob’s dreaded “Interview of Doom” having only known what V-LOOKUP was for 2 years! What happened next? Well, let’s just say Fred didn’t let that minor setback hold him back from becoming a data wizard.

Before joining P3 Adaptive, Fred worked as a white paper writer, where he was told he didn’t have the “voice of the customer.” But Rob knew better, recognizing Fred’s talent for helping people get the most out of technology and a near clone of his own voice, Rob knew Fred had the talent and the skill to excel at P3 Adaptive.

Today, Fred is over at Oracle, where he’s transitioned from writing about migrating from Oracle to Power BI to migrating from Power BI to Oracle. Talk about a change of pace! But true to form, Fred is still a tech wizard, constantly expanding his skillset and crushing it in the world of DAX.

As for his introduction to the world of data, it began in sales and moved to data and debugging. Eventually, Fred moved on to database work where he learned one of the most important lessons anyone in the tech field can use: the value of being concise when communicating with developers. As he discovered, the more words you use, the more room there is for interpretation, and nobody wants that.

As always, we hope you enjoyed this episode. Be sure to share your thoughts by leaving us a review on your favorite podcast platform.

Also on this episode:

Fred’s Data Adventure blog

5 signs you have ADHD and autism by Yo Samdy Sam 

William Dodson MD on the Interest-based Nervous System (ICNU)

Zork online

Discrete mathematics

Referential integrity

Oracle Analytics Cloud

Oracle Release 2–the first commercially available relational database to use SQL 

Get Out


Excel Power Map


Naomi Shehab Nai

Pirates of Silicon Valley

k-means Clustering

Episode Transcript

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