Search Results for: best pract

Going Bananas for Data, w/ Jeff Lingen

It seems fitting for the week of Saint Patrick’s Day to include some Shamrocks. This week, we welcome to the show, Jeff Lingen from Shamrock Foods Company. Boasting 15+ years of data management and BI development, Jeff is the Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics and a coder of DAX from way back. Today Jeff gives us the inside scoop on his data origin story of escaping the data drudgery behind finance and moving into the analytics field and beyond.

Written by on March 15, 2022

From FP&A to Global Director of Data, w/ Khaled Chowdhury

In this episode, we learn the inside secrets to creating an internal Power BI community within an organization from none other than Khaled Chowdhury, Global Director, Data & Analytics with CMC Materials. Khaled is one of the doers who took what he learned from training, rode the excitement after class, and achieved buy-in at his company by tackling a huge project using a free resource over a weekend. When the powers that be were shown his quick, agile, and cost-effective results compared to the expensive, labor-intensive method formerly used by the company, they were sold!

Written by on February 22, 2022

Falling Iguanas and Fantastic Intelligence, w/ Priscilla Camp

Today, on Raw Data by P3 Adaptive, our special guest is Priscilla Camp, tech blogger, Power BI enthusiast, user group leader, and data diva.  Joining us from sunny Orlando Florida, Priscilla shares her Accidental DBA story. Like so many others, she began her evolutionary process in IT where she learned there are better, frictionless methods to fine tune data. Now, her skills are shared via her I.T. Data Diva blog to help others navigate the process. Also on this episode, we get her take on mixed use of SQL and M to cleanse and transform data. Her advice to SQL users: Always use Power Query for dates. You can find Priscilla on Twitter @ITDataDiva.

Written by on February 8, 2022

The Numbers that Didn’t Exist, with Tim Rodman

Tim Rodman revisits his backyard BBQ education in PowerPivot. Not just any BBQ, this one hosted two corporate powerhouses casually chatting analytic software over the grill. After this informal introduction, Tim went on to become yet another Power BI OG.

Written by on January 18, 2022

Stay Away from Guadalcanal, w/ Olivier Travers

For the second part of our 2022 New Year double feature, we sat down with Olivier Travers.  Olivier has had quite the data journey that has taken him from France to Germany, Portugal, Italy, and finally, to Chile where he serves clients all over the world as a Business Intelligence advisor and consultant…an expert in Power BI, he’s focused on data visualization, SaaS integration, and software architecture! He also knows quite a bit about MMA and Brazilian JuJitsu, and a spirited discussion on who would win in a fight ensues!

Written by on January 4, 2022

Hawking Data and Stymying Offenses, w/ Coach Chase Hargis

The data gene lurks everywhere, including deep in the heart of Texas High School Football!  Enter Coach Chase Hargis, Defensive coach of the Magnolia High School Football team in Texas and also a data guy, who asked P3 Adaptive to help with a very specific data problem…how to visualize football data so as to give an edge to his players?

Written by on December 14, 2021

Birth of a Data-Driven Salesperson, w/ Carson Heady

What’s the first feeling that you get when you hear the word Sales or Salesperson?  We believe that most people do not get warm fuzzies when they hear those words! Carson Heady is Director, Health Solutions – U.S. Health & Life Sciences at Microsoft and shatters the negative stereotypes of the Salesperson.  He is about as human and helpful as any guest we’ve had on the show, and we’re quite sure that his customers agree!

Written by on December 7, 2021

Protect the Spots with NO Bulletholes, w/ Adam Harstad

Adam Harstad is one of the few guests that have been on with us twice! This time around, we cover some pitfalls that data people fall into including cognitive bias and how people behave in the face of uncertainty, how these traps can be applied and avoided in life and in data, and we do throw in some Fantasy Football talk!

Written by on November 23, 2021

Free Range Analytics, w/ Angel Abundez

We’ve been quite busy not only just here at Raw Data, business at P3 Adaptive HQ has been booming!  So much so, that we’ve had to add our 4th Director of Client Services to the team to keep up with our ever increasing business.  His name is Angel Abundez, and his journey has zigzagged him across both Rob and Tom’s paths in the past (and maybe yours as well along the way) and has led him here today, sitting down and sharing his story with us!

Written by on November 2, 2021

Leaders Need Not be Flashy, w/ Microsoft VP Dave Gainer

If it wasn’t for Rob’s interaction with Dave Gainer during his time at Microsoft, there’s no doubt that Rob’s life and career path would have been vastly different, and very likely not in a good way!  Dave currently is Vice President of Product for Microsoft Office, but he’s ALWAYS been a great leader of people.

Written by on October 20, 2021

M is for Imke, w/ Imke Feldmann

Imke Feldmann is among the first few to have recognized the incredible value and potential of this thing called Power Pivot in Excel (which was the precursor to Power BI).  And did she ever run with it, launching quite the successful solo consultancy and training service!

Written by on October 13, 2021