Yep, it’s a big change. And a good one!
(but don’t worry, we’re still in the stick figure business)
“P3 Adaptive version 3” Clarifies What We Can Do For You
A lot has changed in the ten and a half years since we launched this site! When I penned the first “hello world” post in 2009, I still worked for Microsoft, Power Pivot was still in beta, Power Query didn’t exist, and this thing called “Power BI” wasn’t even an idea yet.
As the technology evolved and matured, so did we. Five years ago, we began hiring in earnest, and have now grown to become the “new style” prototype firm I imagined many years ago. We’re constructed, organized, and staffed in a manner which sets us apart from the BI firms of yesterday – because we needed to be.
Some of the team in October.
I’m proud to say that everyone at our company is better at this job – far better, actually – than I ever was. I’m amazed, for instance, at our breadth these days:
From our new Consulting page
Truth is, we outgrew our old site at least 2-3 years ago. The kinds of things we’ve been doing, and CAN do for you, haven’t been visible to site visitors. All of that has been hidden, and we wanted to bring it forward.
Clarified, Transparent Experience
This was our goal for the new site design starting six months ago: maintain our blog for longtime readers and new practitioners alike, while simultaneously making it clearer to decisionmakers what we can do for your business.
Specifically, on the homepage we wanted to:
- Make it immediately clear what we’re about – namely, Power BI and related technologies.
- Make it super easy to find our menu of services – project consulting, training, and governance.
And then, throughout the site:
- Emphasize impact and people – with a “side” of tech. Yes, tech is the thing we do, and we happen to use the best tech in the business. But tech is neither the goal nor the most important ingredient. Impact is the goal, and people (both yours and ours) are the critical ingredient.
- Convey why and how we are different. We have opinions on how Power BI consulting, training, and adoption should best be approached, for instance, and we want you to at least get a flavor of those. That helps you decide whether to do business with us, AND even if you don’t, hopefully you find our suggestions valuable in other ways.
- Make it easier to bet on us – and our philosophy. Our existing clients know that P3 Adaptive is a valuable partner, and a lot of our longtime blog readers do as well. But how many of you have wanted to recommend us… and hesitated because our site didn’t represent us properly? The old saying “no one ever got fired for hiring IBM” looms large here. We do business with everyone from small biz and mid-market all the way up to the Fortune 100, but when it comes to new relationships, stick figures, memes, and snarky humor didn’t provide the right first impression.
AND Retain our Personality 🙂
Like the Famed Haircut
But don’t fret, because here on the blog, we plan to still do a brisk business in stick figures, memes, and humor. Our design team rallied around the “mullet philosophy” – business in the front, party in the back. But the cartoon style isn’t just for fun.
Einstein famously said “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” The stick figure approach holds us to that in addition to being light and fun.
Tell Us What You Think!
Love it? Hate it? Unsure? I can’t guarantee we’ll act on all feedback, but I promise we will hear and digest all of it. Leave us a comment!
Also I’m certain there are still some bugs to work out, so let us know about those, too 🙂
Get in touch with a P3 team member