Category: Quick Tips & Tricks
I worked most of my career as an actuary at various insurance companies. Most of the time they had systems that were built before I was born, so I spent a good portion of time getting and transforming (see what I just did?) data into a format ready for analysis.
Written by Kristi Cantor on May 29, 2018
Hello P3 Adaptive Nation! Today’s “post” is actually going to be a video link. Sometimes there are certain subjects, concepts, or post ideas that just don’t translate well to the written word, and especially to screenshots.
Written by Kristi Cantor on May 22, 2018
What an amazing year 2018 has started out to be! Joining the P3 Adaptive team was an aspiration of mine that started in the Fall of 2013…
Written by Kristi Cantor on May 8, 2018
Lord of the Rings. Mad Max. Star Wars. Indiana Jones… The Great Function Project.
Written by Kristi Cantor on April 24, 2018
The Challenge. I love the idea behind Power Query (M)agic. These posts let Power Query users learn and share best practices (tips & tricks) that solve real problems. Query management comes up a lot.
Written by Kristi Cantor on April 17, 2018
Hello P3 Adaptive Nation, welcome back to another exciting month of Power BI updates! This month’s release saw quite a few new updates and enhancements to the Power BI Universe.
Written by Kristi Cantor on April 10, 2018
As a Traditional Excel User, I could not stop copying and pasting downloaded reports. Even when my manager diagnosed me with inaccurate month-end reporting, I could not stop using external workbook links
Written by Kristi Cantor on April 3, 2018
I often have inputs I know today and want to “run them out” into the future applying certain parameters along the way to create a projection.
Written by Kristi Cantor on March 27, 2018
It’s time again for the March Madness tournament and another excellent opportunity to introduce/teach people at your company/organization about Power BI.
Written by Kristi Cantor on March 18, 2018
P3 Adaptive has tried many different flavors of our brand of “consulting” through the years, but co-development projects that combine real projects with coaching and knowledge transfer have turned out to have been the sweet spot in terms of success.
Written by Kristi Cantor on March 6, 2018
I’ve been using the Power BI Service (PBIS) daily for five months, and before that, I consulted on challenging DAX problems for over a year.
Written by Kristi Cantor on February 27, 2018
As a ‘water cooler’ of sorts for this community, we meet some amazing people. Doug Burke shares with us how easy Power Query makes it to do powerful cleaning with a click of the mouse.
Written by Kristi Cantor on February 6, 2018